Activate your Star Codes and Solar Light Consciousness - online seminar
Sunday, February 2, 2025
WAIVER - All participants confirm Litios seminar waiver at registration
Immerse in a timeless day of intense contact with the Star Beings
of benevolent light races that open star portals in your light body.
We currently find ourselves in a time of great change. Countless Star Light Beings wish to stand by us with their direct help. They are participating in the mission "Ascension of the Earth", and wish to be able to come in direct contact with humanity just as it was in past times.
Experience now the liberating contact to the star beings through deep meditations! With great joy they will enter your aura and give you the radiant light of the suns and stars from where they come from. Feel how they speak to you in your heart.
You will learn much about the different Light Beings of the Stars and discover them from heart to heart. They will explain to you how they stand at your side and how they will support you in your daily life, in the healing of your light body and in your higher light work for humanity.
With this contact to your Star Brothers and Sisters, you will go forth in great light presence – strengthened and radiant.
Especially Adonai Ashtar Sheran, who is the commander of a whole light fleet of millions of star ships and also called the "Delegate of the Universal Alliance for Peace", will guide us through the seminar.
Seminar Content…
- Luminous Star Beings from Venus, the Pleiades, Arcturus and Alcyone introduce themselves, establish the heart contact to you and activate their expanded star light consciousness in your entire light body.
- They will also open very powerful light portals in you to access your own light information and star codes and activate your solar light consciousness.
- Ashtar Sheran connects you with your star family
- The Star Councils lower golden solar ships in your aura and your chakras will be activated through sun crystals.
- You will connect with the 9th dimensional light wave of Alcyone, our central sun in the Pleaides.
- Valiant Thor from Venus will give you the threefold Fire Ring of God as the perfect protection.
- Liberation of your entire light body from blockages and negative extraterrestrial energies.
- Experience deep guided meditations and the powerful initiation into the Golden Ashtar Pendant.
This seminar is ideal for you, if you wish to…
- expand your spiritual horizons and experience a galactic view of the happenings on Earth
- find your inner silence, strength and composure and significantly raise your light vibration
- get to know and feel your luminous Star Brothers and Sisters from heart to heart
- visit the Mother Star Ship of the Ashtar Command
- remember your Star lineage and your Star family
- do something in these turbulent times and act as an ambassador on behalf of humanity and the Earth.
WAIVER - All participants confirm Litios seminar waiver at registration
Get Inspired for the upcoming Seminar !!
Listen to this meditation. And know....
You will experience much more in the seminar !
In this meditation, Adonai Ashtar accompanies you
to a wonderful Sun Temple of Eternity
and explains his mission here on Earth.
Beforehand, the Archangels will do an intensive
clearing on your chakras and aura.
Light Crystals and Light Diamonds that connect you with the Light and Star Brothers and Sisters.
Available online:
Click on each below
You can of course use all the Light Crystals that you already have, especially the Angel's Gate and the Merkaba Sphere or the Photon Sun Wheel.
Invitation from Ashtar Sheran:
We welcome our brothers and sisters of Earth's humanity into in ranks of our Intergalactic Star Brothers and Sisters, our space brother and sisterhood.
We help you in your development. That is why we lower our energy onto the Earth, touch earthly ground and open you, activate the light body process on all levels, for we are so close to you. We are truly your Star Brothers and Sisters, your Light Brothers and Sisters.
Open yourself up to the spirit of the Golden New Age. Open your heart and you will know: We are here.
The more you engage with our powers of authority and our possibilities, the more intense will be the exchanging and working together. The intensive energy flow between us should increase, multiply itself and go over time and space. You will be embraced by us, enveloped in our radiant ships, and taught by us. Your light body will be completely transformed, for this is the divine plan for humanity: a transformation on all levels.
We gently peel you out of the old systems and guide you to the solar light civilizations. We will escort you in great joy and bliss in highest divine peace on your path of evolution. It is a glorious and victorious path, and the victory of light is a certainty.
Together we can peer into this golden future and the golden portals of the future are opened.
Channelled by Angel Medium Kyria Deva
We hope many of you are able to join this wonderful seminar, which is initiated by our Star Brothers and Star Sisters.
Technical Disclaimer
You will receive all access codes for this seminar via email after successful registrations. No Refund for missed events. It is the responsibility of the attendee to obtain accessibility to this online seminar. The organizers are not responsible for online technical issues due to attendee internet or device limitations. Although every effort will be made to communicate the logistics of this online seminar to attendees, No Refunds will be offered due to missed emails or missed communications (check your spam folders).