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Octagon "Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit"

Lightlord Metatron

channelled by Kyria Deva


This is Metatron, the Radiant One, and great joy is prevailing in my heart as I will tell you about the properties of the Octagons "Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit".

They are purest, finest Light Crystals which manifest in your aura and bring the Holy Source, the purest crystal water of the Holy Spirit to you, to your aura; they flood everything with purity, clarity, beauty and naturalness from the Holy Spirit. You will be immersed in this flow of the Holy Spirit which revitalises, refreshes, revives you and places the living power of the Divine within you.

So these Chakra Flowers are often like withered blossoms lying sadly in the dust of the desert of this time – the dust symbols the worries and thoughts that surround you, the anxiety, the struggle and the lack which stifle you - and slowly – in this inhospitable environment – the Chakra Flowers weaken, wither, they gave everything. In your childhood they are still fresh and clear, and the older they get, the more they begin to breathe their last breath due to manifold experiences and disappointments and external conditions in the hardness and coldness of this world. They have sadly faded as people are no longer able to connect with the Eternal Source of God that provides everything you need in order to be refreshed and revived again.

The Eternal Primordial Source gushes forth into the universe and waters everything with the enchantment of purity, clarity, knowledge of eternal life, radiance and joy. Therefore, the Chakra Flowers will be gently caressed, gently surrounded by this water, purified and refreshed just like a pristine, natural mountain spring. It is a softly purling mountain spring watering the delicate flowers that wilted away. They will be moistened, refreshed, caressed, gently awakened, soaked, purified and they will begin to rise, become stronger, they will stretch up and their colours will be radiant and luminous, the arid desert will begin to bloom, to refresh itself and to regenerate. The Chakra Flowers will gain more and more strength – day by day – they will prosper and be more luminous, they will be nourished and cared for by the angels; and the stronger they are, the faster they grow. They will be straightened up again and aligned towards the Divine Primordial Source. They will gradually be able to absorb the radiance of the Divine Sun and begin to carry out their task and work they were entrusted with by God, namely to pass on the divine power, the divine radiance.

The Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit will be transferred to your whole system, to all your main centres controlled by the Chakra Flowers which will work increasingly stronger, be more graceful, sublime, luminous and radiant. Your whole consciousness will be lifted and aligned to the divine consciousness, the divine Primordial Sun, to the Holy Spirit.

Only then will you be able to receive the intuition and inspiration of God, the wisdom of God.
People often say: "I have done everything to open up intuition and inspiration within me so that I am now able to differenciate them from my daily thoughts". And yet you will only be able to do so when your Chakra Flowers are strong and luminous and when they align and rise towards the divine Primordial Source – then you shall be able to receive the wisdom from the Holy Spirit, then they will be clear and radiant receivers. For the Chakra Flowers are receivers of God's Spirit and all blessings from the divine spirit, and they are also givers and distributors of radiance and love. When they have regained their full strength, they will receive God's purest Primordial Thoughts of Light.

These Octagons, these Light Crystals transport the Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit from the Highest Source into your aura, into the here and now, into your consciousness. You shall gain purity, knowledge, clarity, revitalization, refreshment, renewal and rejuvenation. You may drink from the source of the Holy Spirit rising in our dimensions and pouring forth throughout the whole universe. You may also pass on the chalice of the Water of Life from the Holy Spirit to your brothers and sisters who are dying of thirst, and this is the water you need that refreshes your spirit and keeps your soul alive.

The Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit helps people who are entangled in concerns and needs that render them unable to fulfill their life's purpose, they do not recognize their task. It helps people who completely exhaust themselves for others and who no longer satisfy their own needs. The whole Chakra System will be in the flow again, be cleansed and cleared, it will begin to blossom and shine. The crystal water floods the Chakra System, places Light Crystals in our Chakras in order to revive, awaken, strengthen, reinvigorate and uplift them – it gives courage, power and enables the souls to connect gently and softly with the power of the Holy Spirit. It eases the reconnection with our plane after such a long time.

In the river of this Crystal Water you feel light, safe, wrapped in angel's wings, softly and gently uplifted. You can let everything go, yes, you can entrust everything to this river and regain clarity in your life as it brings insight and self-knowledge. Loving Crystal Angels accompany your soul and connect it with the light of the higher realm, prepare it for the process of awareness and ascension, and gradually interweave it into the higher levels of consciousness.

So it is, Beloved, I am Metatron, the radiant one, who stands before the Throne.

It is good to bring people into contact with this Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit in your seminars and meditations as they will awaken, it will allow their purity and radiance to unfold, they will experience the love from heaven and embrace of the Holy Spirit, they will be able to disentangle themselves and to let go of all everyday thoughts, of suffocating energies, fears and hardship of this time. They will be able to elevate themselves, grow beyond their small human Self and re-connect with the Universal Spirit, the primordial flow of life. They will learn to allow Light to pervade them, to receive it, to open up and be ready.

It is so beautiful for us angels to behold your Chakra Flowers – how they blossom into their full magnificence and splendour. The awakening soul is so beautiful behold. Infinite beauty, colourful splendour and glory – the scent, sound and colour emanating from it, the radiance filling everything. The beauty of such a soul attracts all helpers from heaven, all powers of light like a magnet. So it is, Beloved.


Channeling Octagon Pendant.pdf



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