
Litios Light Centre


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The Founders




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Antje Eisele
"Kyria Deva"
Born: 1959 in Augsburg, Germany

Edwin Eisele
Born: 1959 in Augsburg, Germany

Currently living in Southern Germany on the shores of Lake Constance.
We have been married for 25 years and have 5 common children.




Since our youth together, we have been interested in spiritual development. During these years of searching, we went through many processes and learned many different spiritual approaches.



In January 2003, the Ascended Master and Archangels took over our direct guidance through channelling with the higher dimensions. In time, our mission was shown more and more clearly and precisely to us. Our complete life was directed more and more into the flow of the Holy Spirit, the flow of the Universe. We are convinced today that each person can step into the joyful state of direct spiritual guidance if they are willing.




We received the charter and the authorisation from Archangel Metatron, High Priest Melchisedek, Jesus Christ and other Archangels and Ascended Masters to materialize the Divine Crystal Energy and Master Energy – the energy of the Ascension of the Earth – in form of the Litios Light Crystals with the highest radiation, purity and light frequencies. Everyone who wishes to can come into contact with the higher Light Dimensions and Master Level and see, feel, immerse and connect with it.




Our Intention:
Our love and energy is devoted to the Ascension in us all and to serve the Ascension of the Earth into a higher light dimension.



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2023.10.12 Info Eve video replay 5

Prayer Storm v3

What are Light Crystals

2017.03.20 NY Interview v3

New Light Crystals