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What are Light Crystals?




Litios Light Crystals are highly energized Light Tools
that have been infused in a sacred way by
Archangel Metatron, Ascended Masters and Crystal Angels,
creating a direct channel to higher dimensions.


Attributes of the Light Crystals:

  • They go to the 7th dimension and higher - the master level – therefore Light Crystals do not absorb negative energy but are constantly transforming them.
  • Never need to clean or clear them.
  • Never need to charge or activate them, they are always activated and on.
  • The consciousness of angels is directly infused into the Light Crystals, so the angels work directly with you and adjust the intensity and gifts of the Light Crystals to match your needs.
  • Light Crystals coexist in harmony with other objects: crystals, gemstones, pendants, energetic products, etc.
  • They can help to balance your aura, raise your vibration and give you more energy.
  • They activate your higher light consciousness and your true light path.


These crystal and ascension energies are a great gift of Lightlord Metatron and the Ascended Masters for the New Age.
They guide, accompany and assist you in the ascension process.


Lightlord Metatron, January 2007:
I am activating the crystalline consciousness of light of the New Age within you

Lightlord Surya, June 2004:
Humanity is searching for the Gate of Ascension.  We open a Gate of Ascension within you.

Lightlord Metatron, July 2004:
Just open your Heart Charka and welcome the Crystal Angels streaming into your plane, your dimension, through this Gate of Ascension, and feel the presence of the Divine

Lightlord Metatron, September 2005:
These Light Crystals are purest light prana for soul and spirit.
They are a crystal clear spring of the Holy Spirit, that will revitalize and strengthen you.


Link to Litios Light Crystals - Overview.pdf  


engel Introduction and Explanations

Crystal Energies and Crystal Angels played a leading role in the Atlantean temples. However, with the fall of Atlantis this knowledge of Crystal Energies was lost.

Only recently, with the beginning of the New Age, have these crystal clear, pure and enlightening energies returned to Earth, they are entrusted to us - given back.

Archangel Metatron as regent of the Crystal Spheres along with Ascended Masters introduces us to this loving, vivid, all-permeating energy. We receive Light Products (Litios Light products). Their light vibration elevates us to the 7th dimension which begins at the Master Plane and goes beyond. The Crystal Angels lovingly "take us by the hand" and carry us, we will feel the lightness of being that surrounds us.


engel How Litios Light Crystals are made

"Litios" is the name of the celestial Crystal Sphere which is reigned by Archangel Metatron "the radiant one". Archangel Metatron is often called "Melek Metatron" (= king) or "Metatron El Shaddai" (= the one who stands before the Throne). The energy of the living Primordial Crystal "Litios" pervades the entire sphere with its crystalline pureness – it is the divine Primordial Crystal.

Litios Light Crystals receive the energy directly from this crystal clear sphere of light at a specially consecrated place where they are filled with vibrations of light over a certain period of time. Every Litios Light product is completely imbued with crystal energies, creates a connection to the Crystal Sphere "Litios" and at the same time shows an individual characteristic within itself due to the initiation of the Ascended Masters or Archangel Metatron himself. Archangel Metatron and the Ascended Masters Jesus Christ and Melchisedek transferred the spiritual and responsible task to manifest these Crystal Energies as light products to us. Glass or glass fibre is, e.g., a perfect carrier material.

In 2004 Archangel Metatron entrusted us, Edwin and Antje Eisele, with the spiritual-technical implementation and a gateway of ascension, i.e., a direct channel was created. Therefore, Crystal Angels and Ascended Masters are always present, guide us and make the quality and purity of Litios Light Crystals possible. We fulfill this spiritual task with great joy, as we are aware of the fact that we were already entrusted with it in the heyday of Atlantis.


engel Characteristics and effects


 Litios Light Crystals are the energy of the Ascension:

  • they assist you in your personal and global ascension process
  • they are purest pranic nourishment for your soul and spirit
  • they connect you with higher dimensions of light
  • Crystal Angels and Masters accompany you
  • you gain greater insight, clarity and purity
  • they awaken the Divine within they activate your inner potential
    they activate your Mer-Ka-Ba - your light vehicle 
  • they are reviving and uplifting
  • they permeate all structures and energy bodies = the Light Body Process
  • they help you transform old shadows
  • you can release everything and feel the lightness of being 


All Litios Light Crystals of the New Age harmonize and energize your aura and rooms::

  • they they harmonize water veins, harmful earth radiation, fault lines
  • they harmonize technical radiation, e.g., electrosmog, wireless devices, etc.
  • they energize water, food and beverages
  • they create a protective field of light in your aura or in rooms and buildings
  • they suffuse your aura and rooms with pure light energyassist you in your personal and global ascension process


engel All Light Crystals have a crystalline energetization and initiation.  



Channelling from Archangel Metatron, 12.03.2004
The Primordial Crystal Light


I AM Archangel Metatron. I am one of the creators of God´s Primordial Crystal Light. Purest Primordial Crystal Light is being poured onto you, around you and is flowing through you. The pristine information of love coming directly from the highest Source. Feel it in you and around you – Primordial Crystal Light out of which you were created, out of which the whole universe was created is illuminating and permeating you.

It is the time of awakening. Everything will be awakened and remembered. Cells remember! Spirit remember! Soul remember! Human remember, you were created out of purest love and purest Primordial Light. The memories of the origin are now being activated in you, they are vibrating through you. A powerful: „Remember" from the mouth of God is permeating you. It is the purest word of God flowing through you: Remember, you are Divine consciousness from the most pristine Primordial Source, from the innermost of God´s heart lightened by the Holy Spirit. Yes, your innermost being is holy. Holiness is permeating you.

God´s creation is holy. Immerse into your Holy of Holies. God´s Throne inside you will come alive. His word breathes new life into it, your Divine consciousness and it wants to grow, mightily radiate and permeate everything. It wants to be, it wants to unfold and live, and it is embracing you. It is God´s desire, the yearning for you. Return to light, to your true home! Be what you are: Light from True Light! I, Archangel Metatron, have reconnected you to your true origin, and so be it. Be blessed from our world in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



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2023.10.12 Info Eve video replay 5

Prayer Storm v3

What are Light Crystals

2017.03.20 NY Interview v3

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