
Litios Light Centre


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Online Meditation Evenings

We offer FREE ONLINE MEDITATION EVENINGS from our Light Centre in Barrie,


light meditation website 

Our Light Meditations are powerful portal openings which allow you to reach a higher state of consciousness and experience deep clearings and transformation of your energy fields. Very often healing frequencies are transmitted by high spiritual beings.

You also have a chance to give back to the Earth with our collective blessings and our intentions of the heart.

Feel and experience the powerful and liberating effect!All our meditations are supported by the Litios Light Crystals to set up a protective field and a light temple.

The Light Crystals also help to raise consciousness and support our spiritual awakening.


Upcoming Monday dates:

July 15th

Next meditations then in September after Summer Break



Everyone who feels called on can join the meditation. There are no prerequisites.
The spiritual helpers rejoice for everyone who participates.

Zoom Registration Button 3

 After the registration you will receive an email with the actual link to enter the meeting.
Join 15 minutes before to ensure that your link is working.



Feel and experience the intensive and liberating effect through our powerful guided meditations!

In these turbulent times it is important to remain calm and peaceful within. When we enter our light presence, we can pass this on as a gift to those around us as well as the entire Earth.

Intention of the Meditations:

  • Remain stable and in one's centre
  • Clearing and activating one's energy field
  • Activating inner serenity and peace
  • Peace for our country, all of humanity and the Earth
  • Deep heart contact with light beings that support us during these moving times:
    Archangels, Star Brothers and Sisters, and many more.

In our meditations, we activate the HIGHEST LIGHT FREQUENCIES, call in the Light and Star Brothers and Sisters and together with the Archangels we ignite a firestorm of love and healing power.
Complete healing power coming out of the Source streams down onto humanity and the entire Earth, which brings about an illuminated evolution for our entire planet. The entire light universe sends mighty healing streams over us and the entire Earth. Together we will anchor these new healing frequencies that are streaming in into the Heart of the Earth and manifest it in the world.

This is very important during these times, so that we can stay in a clear space and not be entangled by the lower vibrations of fear, doubt and limitation which is currently so prevalent in our society. We meditate to dissolve negative intentions and frequencies of fear in us and in the world, because fear acts as a magnet for low vibrating energies. Fear activates resonances to low vibrating energies and beings.

We as inhabitants of this Earth have the authority to strive for harmony, light, peace, prosperity, abundance, wealth, health and living in the love of Christ. With this heart's intention, the full support of the Light and Star Brothers and Sisters is guaranteed.
Archangel Metatron and the Light and Star Brothers and Sisters speak out a heartfelt thank you for your persistence and stamina! It is becoming increasingly more important to work hand in hand with the light beings so that we can shape, influence and steer the fate of this Earth effectively and luminously.

We have received great feedback from many participants who say that they experienced intense clearing, reached very deep levels of meditation, and had profound visions. They reached a new level of awareness and felt that collectively they could contribute to raising the consciousness of humanity and the Earth.





Medi Activate Your Golden Timelines 2024

MP3 replay and download

 Medi Sun Temple of Eternity

MP3 replay and download


  Medi Heavenly Bliss with Lord Krishna 2

MP3 replay and download


 Medi First spark of Creation


MP3 replay and download





The monthly package includes:

  • all 3-4 replays of our meditations in that month as mp3, edited and with background music
  • A summary of our introduction
  • Written excerpts of the channelling
  • Recommended Light Crystals to accompany the meditation


MP3 order button v2


REPLAYS OF OUR PAST MEDITATION EVENINGS are available as mp3s in a monthly package.


Package 10
$35 (incl. tax)

meditation description 

1  Opening Light Portals and Healing through Mother Mary
2  Mother Mary Heals our Relationship with our Mother
3  The Flame of Enlightenment of Buddha
4  Ascension with your Light Body
Bonus: 5. The Holy Spirit Streams Into You


Package 9 
$35 (incl. tax)

meditation description

1  The School of Love of Goddess Venus
2  You are the Luminous Creator of Your Life
3  The Divine I AM Flame and the Pyramid of Creation
4  Receive the Golden Grace of Christ


Packate 8
$35 (incl. tax)

1  The Matrix of the Light Custodians of this Earth
2. The Golden Lotus of Mother Earth
3. The Extraordinary Healing Powers of Saint Hildegard


Package 7
Meditations with Metatron and Melchizedek -  $35 (incl. tax)

1  The Blissful Hour of your Spiritual Birth
2  Liberation with High Priest Melchizedek
3  The Diamond Light Sword of High Priest Melchizedek
4  Light Temples of the Master Lords


Package 6
Meditations with the Archangels  -  $35 (incl. tax)

1  Purification and Protection through the Light Sword of Archangel Michael
2  Archangels Open Portals for a Luminous Future
3  Archangel Uriel Brings Light to Your Family
4  Initiation into Divine Love with Archangel Raphael


Package 5
Meditations with the Sun Lords and advanced Light Races  -  $35 (incl. tax)

1  The Sun Lords Illuminate Your Inner Universe
2  Adonai Ashtar Liberates You
3  Become a Light Creator through the Genesis Matrix
4  The High Council of Arcturus


Package 4
Meditations with the Light Devas  -  C$35 (incl. tax)

1  The Joy of Life of the Light Dolphins
2  The Silver Flow of Grace of the Unicorns
3  The Healing Power of Mother Mary with the Unicorns
4  The Ascended Masters of the Inner Earth – Intense Grounding

Package 3
Meditations with Jesus Christ (Lord Sananda) and Lady Nada - C$20 (incl. tax)

1  The Golden Heart of Resurrection with Jesus Sananda
2  The Sceptre of Dignity of Lady Nada and Lord Sananda


Package 2
Meditations with the Goddesses  -  C$35 (incl. tax)

1  The Light Council of the Goddesses
2  Enter the Light Temple of Goddess Shakti
3  The Heart Flame and Grace of Mother Mary - Healing of Your Birth with the Goddesses
4  Goddess Hathor, the Golden Key to the Chymical Wedding


Package 1
Meditations with Lightlord Metatron  -  C$35 (incl. tax)

1  The Diamond of Basic Trust of Lightlord Metatron
2  Become a Light Custodian of the Earth
3  Opening Golden Light Portals in all Timelines
4  Embraced by the Lotus of Mother Earth


MP3 order button v2

Litios® Light Crystals:



PeterUrsula Schnell square 1500x1500

leerzeileDr. Ursula and Peter Schnell
Barrie (Greater Toronto), Ontario, Canada
Cell: 416 523 7728
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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Seminars, Events

2024.05 LP1 module 4

2024.07 LP23 module v2

2024.09 LP4 module v2


2024.07 AA training 2 v3

2024.11 AA training 3


2023.10.12 Info Eve video replay 5

Light Meditation banner update

Prayer Storm v3

Events, Expos

click events 5

What are Light Crystals

2017.03.20 NY Interview v3

New Light Crystals