Litios Monday Evening Light meditationsOrder form for MP3 replays
MP3 replays are available in a monthly package, meaning 3-4 MP3 for each month are available to purchase.
You can select which monthly package(s) you wish to have here, then put in your contact details.
After you submit, the next page gives you the details for a bank e-transfer (Canadian Banks only) or using the myPayPal link.
We will receive your order and issue you the replays once we have received payment.
* = Required field
After registration, you will receive a confirmation per email which will give you additional information.
Thank for ordering your replays.
We will receive your order now and will reply within 48 hours.
You can pay by either sending a bank e-transfer (Canadian Banks only) to or you can pay using
Once we have received your payment, we will send you the link for your MP3 downloads.
Lightful wishes
Peter and Ursula