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2024.07 LP23 poster


Metatron Diamond Light Priest/ess Training Level 2&3 - Barrie ON (in-person) and ONLINE
Thursday to Sunday, July 18-21, 2024

Click here to register


Metatron Diamond Light Priest/ess Training
Light Body Activation and Quantum Leap in your Light Consciousness
for the Golden New Age with Lightlord Metatron and the Ascended Masters
Level 2&3 - Liberation of Karma of Thousands of years, 
Activation of your Higher Light Channels and Activation your Merkaba


engelIntention of the Training

The Metatron Diamond Light Priest/ess Training is an exceptional seminar series which participants have described as life changing, inspiring and empowering. It will activate and expand your individual heart contact to your spiritual guidance, the Archangels and the Crystal Angels, the Ascended Masters and the lightful Space Brothers and Sisters. Your higher light consciousness and your true light path will be activated for the New Golden Age.


Highlights of Level 2&3 include. 

 Picture1Transcending the Wheel of Karma             
  • Liberating and activating the 7 Higher Chakras and the 7 Earth Chakras, which opens several portals for you, for example, the portal of Bliss and Resurrection, the portal to your Higher Self, the portal to the Higher Heart Chakra and to the crystalline heart of Mother Earth, the Portal to the All-One consciousness of the Divine Matrix.
  • The Wheel of Karma and transcending it: Receive the light key of Lord Sananda, St. Germain and the High Council of Karma for realization, liberation, transformation, and redemption of negative karma.


  • Repair, reconstruct and activate you Merkaba, your Light Vehicle, expand your radiant Light Presence, and create your best own light protection.
  • Activation of the Golden Flow of the Universe for abundance, prosperity and fortune.
  • House Harmonization - detecting sources of interference and harmonizing your spaces and surroundings. Create a permanent Light Temple in your home free of interferences.
  • You will receive authorization from the Light Hierachies to perform light body healings for yourself and others.
            Picture2The Merkaba of Ascension


Each of these topics has a high relevance and will have an intense impact on the expansion of your light body and your light consciousness. Your spiritual perception will expand and your spiritual abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience will be further activated. Your will receive more and more clarity about the light path of your soul.

This 4-day seminar is a power retreat for your soul. Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, Angels and Archangels will accompany and guide you and the most beautiful and the most radiant aspects of you will come to light.

Seminar Leaders:


PeterUrsula Schnell square 1500x1500

Date Thu-Sun, July 19-21, 2024
Time 10:00am - ca. 6:00pm daily

Seminar Leaders

Ursula and Peter Schnell
Location Barrie, ON in-person (limited spaces) and

C$890 (incl. tax, handouts and MP3 meditations)
C$494 for Repeaters
Pre-requisite: Diamond Light Priest/ess Training Level 1


Light Crystals that we will be meditating and working with during the seminar

Very highly recommended:

Melchizedek Wand – the most important light tool for this training and as a Diamond Light Priest*ess
Gate of Ascension large or small
Gate of Ascension diamond

In the Level 2&3, during our meditations we go over time and space into higher dimensions and work on a deeper level to redeem blockages. Therefore the Gate of Ascension diamond is also a great opportunity to integrate in your spiritual evolution. It connects you with the multidimensionality of your being and you will be guided and trained by high spiritual beings such as the Enlightened Ones.

Further we meditate with:

Flower of Life Pendant diamond (connecting with the Divine Matrix)
Evolutionary Wand or Evolutionary Spiral (going into the meta position)
Mirror of Amenti (karma redemption)
Avatar Diamond amethyst (karma redemption)
Avatar Diamond sapphire (clearing Higher Chakras)
Dragon Pendant diamond or Dragon Sphere diamond or crystalline (clearing Earth Chakras)
Merkaba Sphere crystalline or diamond (Merkaba Activation)

Click here to register


Level 1 - more information here
Level 4 - more information here

Complete description for the full Light Priest*ess Training  - more information here.


engelSeminar Content

  • Initiation and portal openings through Lightlord Metatron, High Priest Melchizedek, Lord Sananda and St. Germain
  • The Crystalline Consciousness of the New Age
  • The Wheel of Karma and transcending it: realization, liberation, transformation and redemption of negative Karma
  • The path of the soul through the dimensions: the fall through the ages and the ascension of the light body
  • Intensifying the connection to the Higher Self and the Master Level
  • Perceiving the Higher Chakras and the Earth Chakras – cleansing, transformation, illumination, returning to the divine source
  • Activation of the Golden Flow of the Universe for abundance, prosperity and fortune
  • The Portal of Ascension and the Grace of Lord Sananda
  • House Harmonization - detecting sources of interference and harmonizing your spaces and surroundings
  • The Crystalline Light Temple – creating a Light Temple in your home
  • Earth Healing and Water activation
  • Merkaba repair, reconstruction and activation
  • Meditations, initiations and channellings with Archangels and Ascended Masters and Lady Masters
  • Many practical partner exercises and applications

Prerequisites: Metatron Diamond Light Priest Training Level 1


Level 1 (May 18-20, Barrie, ON + Online) - more information here

Complete description for the full Light Priest/ess Training  - more information here.

Seminar Location:  Online and Barrie, ON (Greater Toronto) - exact location afterl registration


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