NEW DATE >>> Friday-Sunday May 24-26, 2024
Metatron Diamond Light Priest/ess Training Light Body Activation and Quantum Leap in your Light Consciousness
for the Golden New Age with Lightlord Metatron and the Ascended MastersLevel 1 - Activating the Unified Heart Chakra and the Crystalline Light Body
Intention of the Training
The Litios Founders received the full training through Archangel Metatron and the Ascended Masters over the years and they have built these into the Light Priest Training in compact form. Its brilliant step-by-step method activates your higher light consciousness and your true life plan for the Golden New Age.
Practical exercises and powerful clearings and meditations together with the highly energized Litios Light Crystals bring you to a new level of awareness, clarity and consciousness.
You will be given a crystal clear technique in form of the Intuitive Light Body Session, to evaluate the state of the chakras and energy bodies intuitively and be able to harmonize them.
You will learn to ascertain who or what is blocking you up to now and is hindering you to go into your own power. Once you are freed and independent of old manipulations, then advancements in your life become quickly visible.
Angels and Ascended Masters work directly in your Light Bodies and accompany you. This reactivates and expands your talents and abilities. You yourself will experience this transformation and cleansing throughout the seminar.
It is the wish of Lightlord Metatron that all completing this training will receive the same initiations and activations from the Light and Star Brothers and Sisters that the Litios founders themselves received.
Many participants use the knowledge and insights they have acquired in this training professionally or semi-professionally.
The Level 1 can be seen as a standalone seminar, offering you many methods and tools that you can implement right away in your life.
At the end of the training (LP3) you will receive a Certificate.
Lightlord Metatron: "It is time to unfold your true Light Potential and pass it on to the Earth".
For online participants - please register ideally at least 2 weeks in advance so that we can ship your seminar folder and any Light Crystals you wish to have for the seminar. If you register closer to the date or last minute, we will certainly arrange for the best invidivual solution for you.
Seminar Leaders:
Date | Fri-Sun May 24-26, 2024 |
Time | Fri & Sat 10-7, Sun 10-6 EDT | |
Seminar Leaders | Ursula and Peter Schnell | |
Location |
Online |
Costs | $C710 (incl. taxes, handouts, MP3 meditations) $C440 for repeaters |
Minimum participants required = 8
* Agreeing to the Litios Seminar Waiver
* Pendulum (Litios Crystal Pendulum) required
* For those online - Internet device with quality webcam, speakers and microphone
Light Crystals that we will be meditating and working with during the seminar
(For those online, it would be good to have at least some of these to intensify and anchor the energy and transformation):
Highly recommended:
Melchizedek Wand – the most important light tool for this training
Ashtar Sphere or Ashtar Pendant
Flower of Life Pendant
Pearl of Grace or Prism Sphere
Evolutionary Wand or Evolutionary Spiral
Gate of Ascension large or Gate of Ascension small
Online participants - please register preferably at least 2 weeks in advance, since your seminar folder (and crystals) will be shipped per post to arrive on time
Level 2&3 - more information here
Level 4 - more information here
Complete description for the full Light Priest*ess Training - more information here.
Seminar Content
Level 1 - The Unified Heart Chakra – Activating the Creative Flow
- Crystal Energy in Atlantis – the Gate to Atlantis
- The Gate to Lemuria – El Morya and the High Priests of Lemuria
- Going into the heart – the Unified Heart Chakra System
- The main chakra system – the energy bodies
- Procedures for aura harmonization
- Releasing – redeeming/transforming – illuminating
- Resolving blocks and programs in the energy of the New Age
- Crystal energy in the aura
- Initiation with the Melchisedek Wand – freeing of black magic energy
- Initiation with the Evolutionary Wand – the crystalline light channel
- The Flower of Life – activating the divine matrix in the chakras and energy bodies
- Contact to Adonai Ashtar and the Star Brothers and Sisters
- Clearing and releasing negative extra-terrestrial energies and manipulations
- Meditations, initiations and channellings with Archangels and Ascended Masters
- Many practical partner exercises and applications.
Read the complete description for the full Light Priest Training here.
Testimonial about the Metatron Diamond Light Priest/ess Training:
"Words cannot describe how this course has overwhelmed me with such gratitude and love. I have never felt such love and acceptance radiating from so deep within and also at the same time from such a higher consciousness.
People are put in our paths of life for reasons unknown, so when I walked into theirs little did I know that it would be so profound. Words cannot describe this 3-day course that I finished with Ursula and Peter, they are truly beings of light. Thank you, Thank you for giving me this gift of awakening to my higher self..."
Welcome Channelling from Metatron – What does it mean to be a Diamond Light Priest/ess?
Beloved ones, this is Metatron the Radiant One. Together with the Ascended and Enlightened Ones throughout all time and dimensions, the Choir of Angels, and countless illuminated beings from your personal light family, I enter this time and space to initiate the Light Priest*ess Training. We enter into the here and now in this Light Temple that we have erected for the next days. The light of this Light Temple should continue to accompany you into your golden future.
At the beginning of this training I wish to pose the following question:
What does it mean to be a Light Priest/ess?
It means: To be an ambassador on Earth for the highest light, an authorized representative appointed with divine powers of authority in order to act here on this earth, to open portals, undertake blessings,
liberate humanity, release the old and the things of the past that you no longer need, to step forward and pave the way for humanity here on Earth.
These powers of authority, liberations and portal openings occur initially within you yourself. Out of the great love in our hearts, we transfer to you powerful clearings and empowerments. We can then see
these in your auras. Illuminated beings throughout the universe perceive this, are able to see this. So we are once again One – as it was in days of old, so it is now and will always be.
We awaken the radiant presence of your true divine identity, your true divine essence within you. That which you truly are should once again shine, should awaken. We elevate you: "Rise out of the dust of
the millennium. Stand up, align yourself upwards. Be a sincere, authentic being of light of the New Age that points out the way for the Earth!"
For everything that happens within you, happens simultaneously on a higher, multidimensional plane. Everything is connected with everything. This is the divine reality. I carry the key to divine reality, the divine matrix within me and I, Metatron, ignite it in you and place it in your hearts. Just as it was at the beginning of your being, so it is once again: the lost key returns. It is the divine matrix, the primordial light connection, the All-One-Consciousness. And so it shall be in your golden future.
These are the words out of our hearts, spoken with great love, given back as a gift to you and once again reactivated in your here and now in this lifetime, in all that you are. And here great blessings from
the Divine Heart are given out of the almighty Love of God. And so it is beloved ones.
It is an honour and a great joy, the highest joy of our hearts, to see the souls awaken and blossom, to be able to witness and help as they reclaim their radiating power. From our hearts you are welcome into our midst, from you to you, from light to light, from heart to heart, from truth to truth. Amen. So it is.
What results will you achieve in the Diamond Light Priest/ess Training?
How can you implement that which you have learnt and use it in your life?
The Diamond Light Priest/ess Training has a practical orientation with many exercises to anchor the content being taught. When you return home, you can immediately use it in your daily life.
You will be given a crystal clear technique – the intuitive light body reading – which will help you to evaluate the state of the chakras and the energy bodies intuitively and be able to harmonize them. In this way, your Crystalline Light Body will be built up step-by-step. The training additionally includes the harmonization and energization of living and working spaces.
You will learn to ascertain who or what is blocking you up to now and is hindering you to go into your own power. Once you are freed and independent of old manipulations, then advancements in your life become quickly visible.
Angels and Ascended Masters work directly in your Light Bodies and accompany you. This reactivates and expands your talents and abilities. The direct heart contact to your personal spiritual guidance will be established. This heart contact is a connection via your aura which, like the redial button on your phone, can be activated whenever you wish it to be. Then your own divine life plan will become more apparent both in the outer world as well as in the innermost part of your soul.
It will make you rejoiceful and will fulfil you to use the newly acquired knowledge and light gifts in your aura in your daily life. During this training, you will meet your earthly as well as your heavenly light family.
Metatron himself says about his Light School: "It is the Light School of the Golden New Age".