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Evolutionary Wand

Light Information of the Primordial Creation
Genesis Code


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Elongated glass wand with 12 left-rotating spirals engraved,
delivered with a wooden stand

Crystalline energization and initiation

Diameter: 1-3/16 in. / 3 cm
Length: 10-5/8 in. / 27 cm


    • Connects you with God´s Primordial Thougts of Light
    • Ideal channelling tool, also for remote meditations and remote spiritual healing
    • Reactivates the primordial, most pristine information of our whole being, reminds you of the origin of creation
    • "Let There Be Light" is rekindled
    • The re-information of the cells on all planes
    • The whole creation, the atmosphere, the ground - you remember the perfect, harmonious and natural state of being; everything will return to balance, harmony and order

With infinite love Archangel Metatron infuses this Evolutionary Wand with the Divine Thought of Primordial Creation and connects you and your entire surroundings with it. Everything in and around you will be filled with powerful radiance, purity and Primordial Light. It rekindles the "Light from True Light" in and around you - God´s pristine and sublime Thought of Creation permeates you and illuminates everything that is not in divine harmony.




It can be used to harmonize buildings, rooms and the ground, even entire landscapes and, of course, to energize the aura – ideal for harmonizing technical radiation and programs of all kinds. You can place, e.g., 1-4 wands (as needed) in a building, perhaps combined with an Angel´s Gate in the middle of the building.




by Lightlord Metatron:

So, beloved! With a pure and noble heart, full of love for creation you can be a blessing for nature, for your houses or your aura with the help of these Evolutionary Wands. The original, harmonious state as it is immanent in nature can be restored.

Everything surrounding you the atmosphere, the ground - everything around you receives this information, as it is permanently connected with God's primordial thought of creation, incessantly filling the whole environment with powerful radiance and purity.

And the more you participate in this process and lovingly stand up for it, the more wonderful the result will be. It will manifest more intensively, faster and nature will be grateful, yes everything surrounding you, the whole creation!

So this is ideal for everything that is polluted or contaminated, anything that was robbed of its perfect, harmonious state - its pristine, natural state.

It is the information of the Divine thought of creation which envelopes everything that exists! The quintessence of creation.


Complete Channelling


Evolutionary Wand.pdf


Create Light Portals as Power Points in Nature
Earth Healing with Litios Light Crystals.pdf


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