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Shakti Pearl

Key of the Renewal of Goddess Shakti
The Light Council of the Goddesses and Goddess Shakti


channelled by Kyria Deva


The Light Council of the Goddesses Speaks:

You are invited to the temple of Goddess Shakti.

She is the counterpart to the Shiva energy: Shiva and Shakti. Shakti is the emanation of the light frequency of the primordial Goddess, the primordial Mother of the universe. Shakti is the builder of worlds, light systems, star regions, and worlds upon worlds, as she is the eternal renewer. She is the Goddess of renewal.

Her temple is unwaveringly suffused with Light upon Light, which represents transformation, transcendence and in the sense of evolution, represents renewal.

Shakti represents rebirth on a higher plane and in a new dimension. She represents birth into a new life. On your Earth and on the level of 3-dimensionality, rebirth is always preceded by death. But we tell you this: when you elevate your vibration and enter the plane of transformation and transcendence, all is in constant metamorphosis, renewal and rebirth into a new level of consciousness or into a higher dimension. It is as if you are traversing a tunnel, a birth channel, in order to emerge into a new plane, to be recreated with a new robe of consciousness. And so Shakti envelops you in a new light robe of consciousness.

Goddess Shakti is renewal, She is transcendence and evolution. She is wonderfully connected to all Divine plans and with the primordial plan of God for the entire universe, which contains the alpha and the omega: all Laws, all Times and Eons, all frequencies of evolution that are sent out of from Source.

She looks into your heart and sees the next step in your evolution.

And so your soul speaks to her: "Come, Goddess Shakti, grant me the key like a flower into my heart! Grant me the rebirth into my new life! Grant me the rebirth into the higher consciousness of Light!"

When Goddess Shakti embraces you and when you are ready and allow yourself to melt into her completely, old veils will fall away. They vanish, they leave you instantaneously, because Shakti's Love is so expansive that your being can hold only renewal. You will be flooded by waves of regeneration, waves of transformation, and waves of transcendence.

Goddess Shakti places within you the Key of Renewal so that your own inner Divine Being receives the strength for reformation, transcendence and resurrection through Her Key of Love.

Whenever Shakti touches you, you will bloom in new ways. You will blossom from within for all to see with renewed brilliance and with the radiance of the Goddess.

Shakti is able to generate within you unprecedented creation. She places the future within you, then awakens and brings it forth.

She is so full of Love, that she sees the most beautiful and the most delightful in you; that she can touch you in your innermost Divinity, and place her Key of Renewal there so that you will be born anew.

Goddess Shakti welcomes you into her temple, which also follows the principle of eternal renewal.

She changes her being constantly from one light spectrum to another. She shines, is purest energy before your eyes, and her temple is always suffused with primordial light frequencies like waves of pure delight.These light frequencies of transcendence loosen everything within and around you: all that's too human, all ties to the past. This past is like a void before her eyes.

You stand before the mighty Goddess of Renewal and are invited into this temple of renewal, rebirth and transcendence, where you are completely flooded with overflowing Light. In the center, the Eternal Divine Flame of transcendence and regeneration is ablaze with Light.

The Light flows around and through you in waves and peels all things of the past from you. It strips away ego dependencies, along with the egoic patterns that pull you back into frequencies of injury, where you feel hurt, attacked, excluded; where you fear for your existence, where you fight. Despite all of this, you are often pulled back, as the small ego must die in order for the new to be born within you.


Words from Goddess Shakti:

With this Shakti Pearl, you are connected to my light frequency and to my Temple of Renewal. The Shakti Pearl is ignited and initiates you with the Eternal Divine Flame of Transcendence.

It will help you especially in times of change and new direction in your life. By the power of transformation of the Shakti Pearl, you will experience a lift in the vibrations of all of your chakras, energy bodies, and on all levels of your being. Ask for absolute renewal and transcendence and allow me to enter your life with the presence of my Light!


Channelling Shakti Pearl.pdf



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