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Meditation with the Angel's Gate

Lightlord Metatron

channelled by Kyria Deva

February 2, 2012


Beloved, this is Metatron, the Radiant One. Our greatest delight is the converging of dimensions, the interfusion of those dimensions, our luminous planes, with your here and now. A mighty portal of light is now in this room and also within you as we established the contact from the highest dimensions of light to your room and to your time, to this dimension, to your here and now. It merges in perfect unity allowing the powerful light to stream into you along with innumerous Beings of Light, Angels and the Star Brothers and Sisters of Light - inhabitants of illuminated star regions are also entering this room now. Your soul is familiar with all of them. We have known each other since eternity. Your soul has had its home on many different planets and dimensions – dimensions of joy and lightness. So we meet again, here and now. Before this life we agreed that we will come to you and ease your way with our light, enlighten your path with our love, rekindle your soul to the light from which you have evolved and ignite the spark of light within, that what you truly are. We welcome you all with great joy.

We rekindle the light in your heart. Focus your attention onto your Heart Temple, your Heart Chakra, and you can see the radiant light portal that is opening up now. It is an angelic gate, a gate of light, a gate of ascension in your Heart Chakra, which means you have direct access, you are directly connected with us. This gateway extends from this world to the dimensions of light beyond. You may simply enter and connect yourself. It is perfectly natural and elemental as the dimensions are interwoven. All is connected – All is One.

You thought you were separated, you have really believed it. Reality, however, is different. Reality means: All is interconnected! It is in the flow, it is the stream of eternal light in which we live. You are also in the flow of eternity. Now your heart is opening and you are breathing in eternity, you are breathing in this flow of light and eternity. It is flowing through your heart into this dimension, into your daily life and into all areas of your life.

Powerful angels are now coming into your home to send their blessings, as it is your wish, and we, the angels, always follow your heart's desire. It is so easy. It is not necessary to possess extensive knowledge of certain things, of spiritual conditions, all it takes is an open heart and your heart's desire that the Angels and Star Brothers and Sisters of Light from eternity shall be your helpers. It is just like inviting friends to your home to help you move, for example. It is better to call friends to clean and tidy up everything with you. We are your friends of light. You may ask us to harmonize rooms, to create harmony at home and at your sleeping place. Powerful angels will come to cleanse everything and they travel to your place beyond time and space. We can see it. We can see the energetic dust and the remains: Decades-old thoughts of people that have come and gone there or problems that you have encountered over the years. We will tidy up, cleanse, illuminate and pervade everything and fill it with new harmony, with the light from eternity. A stream of light is being poured onto your heart's gate and flowing forth to your home, a bridge of light. Blessed be all people, blessed be all animals. Blessed be all beings. All spirit beings that are not in the light and that stay in your home are guided away to a new place. Visualize how a powerful angel stands in every room, don't leave out a room or a corner. Allow us to do it. Hand it over to us. You might say you give us your front door key and we may enter because you allow it. And a mighty angel guards and protects your home if that is your wish.

Then light-filled roommates will be with you and you will feel their presence. Welcome them when you enter your home: "Beloved Angels, beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light of all kinds, I welcome you from the bottom of my heart." Send greetings from your heart, a brief moment to welcome them, in the same way as you respect and greet people when you come home or when you enter a house. It is so wonderful when you warmly welcome us. The more often you repeat it, the more intensive you will feel and discern our presence. Perhaps you will even find out one name or another. All it takes is a little attention for the world beyond, the world of eternity – the world of the eternal light.

Now your Heart Portal is wide open and that allows the consciousness of light from our dimensions to shine into your Chakras and into all your Energy Bodies. You are enveloped by this radiant light. And the angels also assist you in cleansing your Light Bodies.

You may say: "Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light, I give you the key to my heart and you may enter into my aura at any time and bring me light, love and joy from eternity. As you know when I am not too well. Then out of my free will I allow you to bring back the light and joy, to give me intuitions and to inspire me for this situation and for the current issue."

Your free will is holy to us. Therefore, we only enter your aura when you allow it. We respect your aura, we respect your soul. We are very sensitive, as we are clairvoyant, we can see everything. We can even see beyond time and space. We even look into your past. You may entrust everything to us. Let the past be transformed and surrender it to the flame of love from our heart.

It is so easy. People often think it has to be complicated. However, we are simple and clear in nature, we have a radiant presence, we are suffused by the eternal light and the eternal life. And so are you, here and now.

We can see your radiant open hearts, they are soft and smooth, they are in the flow of eternal love. Let it flow continuously into all aspects of your life that still cause resistance. Let the all-redeeming, all-liberating stream, the sea of light, embrace you now. The river of light carries angelic beings into your life. Innumerous beings of light are ready to fill everything with their love when they are called upon.

Your life will be and become more and more enlightened. One moment of love can transform everything, one moment of radiant light from eternity. Worlds are brought into being from God's almightiness in the blink of an eye. One moment of pure love from your heart and your whole life will be raised toward the light, transformed into light.

Keep your heart open for the light of eternity, for the joy of heaven, the higher dimensions of consciousness. Allow it to remain in this state, then it is in the here and now. It manifests instantly in your life.

Be even more aware, sense it, perceive that you are accompanied, that you yourself radiate and shine, that you have a beautiful aura which is permeated and ablaze with light. May the eternal light shine forth and begin to radiate. And so it is, Beloved. This is Metatron, and with great joy we accompany you, we are with you, we are one. We are All-One. The whole universe is one.



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