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Golden Christ Light Pearl
Jesus Sananda Ignites a Golden Flame of his Heart in You

Jesus Sananda

channelled by Kyria Deva


Jesus Christ speaks about the Golden Christ Light

I am Jesus Sananda, your true Master of the Heart.

I gift you a Christ Pearl, a golden flame of my Heart, in your heart. It ignites my Christ Light in your soul.

My golden Christ Light ignites in the darkest place, in the darkest of times. This concerns the places of spiritual distress on Earth. And it concerns the dimensions where aspects of your own soul are still entangled and trapped in darkness. But the light is breaking through and you know, "The light is victorious. Christ is victor forever!" For I am the light in the souls and lead them out of all darkness, confusion, and distress.

Entrust yourself to me and you are protected and spared from all encroachment. You are led out of the darkest night.

Once I was born on Earth as a little Christ child in a physical body in modesty and humility. I came to Earth as a newborn pure divine child, for I wanted to bless the whole of humanity from the beginning.

Now I come in my light power and glory and ignite the Christ Light in all hearts. In this way, the New Age is born in the hearts. It is the Golden Age of the Christ Consciousness.

Your daytime consciousness and mind cannot yet see in the outer world what the New Age will look like, how it will manifest concretely. But my Christ Light ignites your soul and fills it with the golden light of the New Age.

With this Christ Pearl, I give you a golden flame of my heart that illuminates your heart and soul. It ignites your heart, and no being can extinguish it again or get hold of you.

The Christ flame of my Heart speaks to your soul: "The golden age is already here."

A portal of light of the New Age opens within you and your soul is full of assuredness, for the New Golden Age is manifesting within you. It is the Kingdom of my Christ Heart.

Now all the concerns and worries of the present time fall away from you, for I bring you the joy, peace, comfort, and assurance of heaven. You can rise again radiantly, and you know, "I am embraced, guided and always provided for from the Divine."

The Christ Light of the Golden Age spreads within you. Let go of all that is old. Just leave the old burden, the backpack of the millennia behind you and leap forward in trust, in confidence into the Christ consciousness of the New Age. All lethargy falls away from you, for I, Jesus Sananda, bring the spirit of new beginnings into your heart: "Come soul, lift yourself up and stride forward, for the Golden Age is already here."

With this Christ Pearl, your soul and your light body unite with me, the Enlightened One in Christ. I give you the healing power, purity, and the radiant gold of heaven.

You can speak: "I am the golden divine child of my divine Mother and my heavenly Father. I am embraced, protected, sheltered and provided for in the arms of my divine parents."

It brings you the certainty: All is well, all will be well.

I come and unify with your Crown Chakra. Now you know, I am a true child of God and always one with the Source. This heals the pains of separation, abandonment, and loneliness that you have experienced, up to the primal pain in which you thought you had been cast out of heaven.

My Christ Light ignites your Third Eye. Look within and see: you are one with me and my divine vision. Now you can see the light of the Golden Age. The vision for the golden future of Earth is opening.

I, Jesus Sananda, unify with your Throat Chakra. Now you are freed from all karmic bonds, snares, and imprisonment. All burdening and limiting words that have been spoken, all curses of the past, fall away from you and dissolve. Light-heartedly and with ease you follow your true life path. You are on your true path of life into the golden New Age.

The Christ Light of the New Age ignites your Heart Chakra. All that is oppressive and sad falls away from you. The fear that you are not loved, rejected and outcast is now released. Your heart is opened wide and shines with the Christ Light of the New Age.

I, Jesus Sananda, unify with your Solar Plexus. In the darkest of times and the darkest of places, I bring back to you the Sun of God. The Sun of the Golden Age rises in you and all darkness disappears.

The Christ Light of the New Age ignites in your Sacral Chakra. I bring you the celestial joy and this takes all heaviness and burdens from you. You know, I am cared for and safe, Jesus Sananda provides for me. You may let yourself fall into my arms.

My golden Christ light illuminates your Root Chakra. Behold, I give you a golden grounding and gild your roots. That means your past and the generations of your family are blessed from my love. You are welcome in heaven and on Earth!

I shower these Christ Pearls a thousand times over into the souls of all people and over the whole Earth! Give it to all who are suffering, sad, lonely and hopeless. It will also enlighten their souls.

So it is.





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