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Flower of Life Aura Healing Disc

Aura and chakra balancing tool

* Colour

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High quality, brilliant coloured glass with AB coating
Design: Angel in Flower of Life

Crystalline energization and initiation

Diameter: 80 mm / 3.5 in.
Thickness: 4 mm / 3/16 in.

(Also available in 240mm / 10 in. size and 120mm / 5 in. size)

Available colours: The production process allows for minor variations in the colour layer ranging between red/orange and blue/violet.

Spiritual Potential

  • Establishes a mighty window of light to the higher light dimensions
  • Serves as a valuable teaching instrument to expand your perception and illuminated abilities
  • Enhances visions and spiritual seeing and increases your intuition
  • Harmonize your chakras and creates a Flower of Life light field in your energy bodies
  • You feel the inner balance
  • Closes, harmonizes and heals energetic holes, tears, cracks and wounds in your aura
  • Erects a powerful spiritual wall of light in your aura and also protects you from technical or spiritual irradiation
  • Harmonizes and closes connections to low vibrating dimensional in your aura

Place the aura harmonization disc on your heart chakra and the mighty angel custodians of this light instrument will help to awaken and expand your perception and your lightful abilities in a protected space.

It opens light windows in your aura. At the same time, it closes energetic holes, gaps or tears in the aura through which your life force and energy can drain away from you. Your aura once again feels perfectly harmonious, round and soft flowing. Missing energy is returned, surplus energy is balanced out. You feel the inner balance.

Your aura is healed in the light of the angels and a Flower of Life light field arises in you. The Flower of Life in you brings about perfect harmony and resonance with illuminated beings, to which you can now easily take up contact.


Possible Uses

Harmony for aura and spaces / protection / clear channels / illuminated leadership

How you can work energetically with the Aura Harmonization Disc: for the training of your spiritual perceptions, you can put it on your heart or forehead chakra during meditations and simply let the angel guide you. In this way you get an illuminated guidance every time. You will be specially trained in channeling pure messages if you ask for this.

For energy work: in its compact form, it is good for working in clearing energies from the aura. Use it to sweep out extraneous energies.


Excerpt from the Channeling

from Lightlord Metatron:

I am Metatron, the Radiant One and I open a mighty window of light into dimensions that no human has ever looked into, light dimensions of the highest potential, the highest level and in unknown spheres, galaxies, in the outskirts of the universe but also in light universes outside and above the physical-material frequencies. In this protection of light, you can open and expand your perception. You can feel completely secure, for these light windows open themselves only to the highest dimensions of light.

If you let yourself fall, you can feel assured that mighty angels will accompany you and will teach you to open and expand your perception on all levels. It ignites in you the light abilities of the Holy Spirit, the gift of grace of the Holy Spirit. Gifts of grace from the Holy Spirit are handed over to you on the level in which you work, in your time and space. And so your higher senses will be trained and guided and opened once again step by step. Every time when you meditate with this Flower of Life crystal disc, an elevated perception is opened within you, a window of light that prepares the path for wonderful experiences in the light, leading you back to your abilities, to the golden inheritance of God that you have carried in you since the beginning. Your divine potential opens, expands and reactivates itself. The light connections to the Masters, to the matrix, that now teaches, guides and leads you, is activated.


Complete Channelling

Flower of Life Aura Harmonization Disc flyer pdf


Litios Flower of Light Disc - Possibilities and Potential.pdf



© Autorin: Antje Kyria Deva Eisele 02.07.2013



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